Alien wizards and bug-like monsters? Sign me in!

That book was quite a ride! True, it took me a while to finish it, but part of it was that I’ve started reading it in my I’m-not-really-into-books phase [I do have these sometimes] and another part were some of these creepy scenes – I’m not good with horrors. But the overall impression was that it’s a damn good book!

GreethGreeth by Charles LaFave

My rating: star-full-iconstar-full-iconstar-full-iconstar-full-iconstar-half-full-icon

Goodreads | Amazon | Interview

I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

Goodreads description, or rather a part of is, since it makes the book seem darker that way and I find it fitting ;):

Three children are dead. Many more are missing. Something dark and terrible is rising. A breach has opened between worlds and an ancient god will be reborn on fertile Earth. The flesh of humanity will feed its many children.

Peter embarks on a quest for redemption to stop the ancient god from destroying the world.

Will his unique ability to create life be enough to change what he’s done?
Or will guilt from his role in helping to destroy so much life be his undoing?

At first, it was rather hard to me to get into the story. Yes, a part of it was the non-reading-mood I mentioned, but also that the story was much darker than what I’m used to. The first few chapters I read as an Amazon sample pulled me in and yet warned me of what might come next.

And I liked it. Continue reading “Alien wizards and bug-like monsters? Sign me in!”