Interview with Trisha Hughes

Hello, my dear readers! Today I’d love to introduce you to a very interesting writer Trisha Hughes. She’s got a new book coming up within a month and I have to say it looks very interesting :D. Check out my interview and have a look at the book, you might want to read it!

Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your passion for history

trisha-hughesThis passion I have for British history began many years ago while I was pregnant with my first child. I spent endless days in the library consuming everything I could and writing it all in my notebook. Over the years, through moving house, raising children and everyday life, the notebook disappeared but the interest in British Monarchy didn’t. Five years ago, the interest turned into a passion and here I am with the first of my trilogy on British Monarchy sitting on the shelves.

I remember that day. I was talking to my grandson about his interests. I even did what every grandparent does…I asked what he wanted to be when he grew up and I asked what subjects he was taking at school. And it turned out that history was one of them. Brightened that we had something to talk about to take his mind off his Facebook page, I said to him ‘So you know all about Henry VIII.’

It was a statement not a question and I fully expected him to say ‘of course’. Because everyone knows who Henry VIII is. Right? I was greeted with a blank look. I turned to him amazed. ‘You DO know who Henry VIII is?‘ Apparently, not my grandson. Continue reading “Interview with Trisha Hughes”

Interview with J.L. Tomlinson

j-l-tomlinsonWelcome back bookworms!

It’s time for another interview, this time with a fantastic J.L. Tomlinson – a fantasy writer with quite an imagination straight from New Zeland :). Her new book is about to come out – the third volume of Ardentia series. Stories of magic, friendship and a quest for the better future.

Check out her answers to some of my annoying questions 😉 and remember to visit the Stalker zone at the bottom!

Your book “The Empyrean Key” starts off with the trio of characters, can you tell us how they got together?

Jahna, Lilac and Silko were all born in Groden Cove which is a small beach village in the land of Ardentia, where the series takes place. Each of them was bullied or ostracised for different reasons; Jahna is half Narcean (a dark-skinned race of telepaths and prophets); Lilac has always been quite masculine and finds it difficult to form friendships; and Silko is an overemotional bookworm who is an easy target for ridicule. They befriended each other almost as a form of protection, but are quickly bonded by their shared inadequacies and unique talents. Continue reading “Interview with J.L. Tomlinson”

Interview with Christopher Keene

ChrisopherKeene3Hello again! I’ve got another interview for you today. This time, the questions went to a freshly baked author and fellow blogger Christopher Keene. Check out his answers!

First of all tell us few words about yourself.

I’m a New Zealander, a university graduate, a geek blogger and an author of science fiction and fantasy novels.

How does your writing process look like, do you have any strange writing habits?

I have different habits for different books. I wrote Stuck in the Game on my blog over a month, mostly on my phone, before going over it and sending it to my friends to read. For the one I’m working on now I’m writing it on paper at night and typing it out on my computer the next morning. Continue reading “Interview with Christopher Keene”

Interview with J.J. Sherwood

J.J. SherwoodWhat a treat I have tor you today! I was approached by J.J. in June with a review request. I admit, at first I was quite busy and I thought her book might not be quite what I’d like at the moment [for the future reference – I was wrong!], but I offered an interview instead. This is it – the interview you’re going to read is the result of our little email conversation. It was fun!

This is it – the interview you’re going to read is the result of our little email conversation. It was fun! Yes, I’m talking about the interview, but the conversation was fun too :). In fact, the answers made me want to read the book [actually, I might even want to read one of King’s books after that, but let’s not get crazy ;)]. So go on, read the interview and then follow the links bellow for the books, author profile, and overall stalking possibilities ;).

I’m sure there’s much more to your characters that you’re letting the readers know. Are there any curious details you’ve never written about? Any favorite colors, animals, some curious experiences?

Oh my—absolutely countless little things! I’ve had some of these characters for almost 20 years and (being the dork that I am) I love roleplaying them as often as possible: so I’ve learned so many quirks about them that it would be impossible to put EVERYTHING into one book! (Evrae’s favorite number seven and favorite color is sapphire blue. One of the old legendary characters- Eraydon- likes green best. Another (Mesheck), rusty red. And General Jikun (an cyromancer from The Kings) was court-martialed multiple times in his academy years for ceaselessly lowering his fellow soldiers’ water to unbearably frigid temperatures while they were bathing.) My goal is always to make sure—by the end of the character’s run—I’ve done their craziness—er, uniqueness—justice. Continue reading “Interview with J.J. Sherwood”