Top 5 Wednesday – Favorite Diverse Characters

imgresYet again I had to check the oh-so-helpful Goodreads lists to see what books I could use for my Top 5 Wednesday. Now I know how little books I’ve read with diverse characters and how little there actually are, at least among my preferred reading genres.


Castle in the Air by Diana Wynne Jones. The second book in Howl’s moving castle series. This time story goes around Abdullah and it has all that this kind of story should have: a princess, a flying carpet, djinn and lots of magic. And yes, Howl and Sophie do show up at some point, but most of the story goes on without this fantastic couple. Continue reading “Top 5 Wednesday – Favorite Diverse Characters”

Tomahawks and raccoons

Here comes the review of the second part of Vengeance trilogy. If you haven’t read the first book… What were you thinking? Haven’t I wrote it was worth it? Come on now!

But let’s be serious (for a little while). This time story moves few years forward. Instead of Sarah, we’ll be following her little sister – Rebecca. You thought Salem’s witches given up on the chase after the Kelly family? Well, you were wrong.

Salem's furySalem’s Fury (Vengeance Trilogy #2)
by Aaron Galvin

My rating:  star-full-iconstar-full-iconstar-full-iconstar-full-iconstar-half-full-icon

You can find this book on Goodreads and Amazon.

I received this copy from the author in exchange for an honest review. 

After all that happened to Kelly family and their friends in the “Salem’s Vengeance” story, they were supposed to move on, maybe even visit Bishops home country. It seems they haven’t gone that far. Instead, they choose to stay with the Miamiak tribe.

This time story focuses on Rebecca – Sarah’s younger sister, now 17-year-old Brave of the tribe. Trained by Priest, whom she treats like father, she grew up to be one of the best warriors. She’s not haunted by the past, the only life she remembers well is with the Miamiak in the wilderness. Continue reading “Tomahawks and raccoons”

The lost light

I picked this book from NetGalley mostly because of a pretty cover and the number of requests ;). I know, that’s pretty shallow, but this one happened to be a great read! I have no regrets and the second part is already on my NetGalley reading list.

LumiereLumière (The Illumination Paradox #1) by Jacqueline Garlick

My rating: star-full-iconstar-full-iconstar-full-iconstar-full-iconstar-half-full-icon

You can find this book on Goodreads and Amazon.

I received this copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. 

Lumière will take you to the world of steam mechanisms, clever inventions, unusual people and deadly vapors. The world where the sun stopped shining and people are easily accused of madness.

Eyelet is a daughter of a great inventor, who died a tragic death on the day the sun stopped shining. She’s not a normal girl in standards of this world. She’s privileged enough to go to school, yet she’s afraid people will discover her seizures and send her to the asylum. Add to that the fact her mother talks to crows and you have an accident waiting to happen. Continue reading “The lost light”

Bringing down the sky

Here we are at the second book of the Heartland Trilogy (well, 3rd if you count the short story) and it’s even better than the first. We’ve got it all here. All of our heroes plus some new interesting characters. We see the lives of those at the top, the bottom and even the gray independent area. I have to admit I didn’t expect too much to be happening.

But let’s get to some basics and let me warn you – if you haven’t read the first book, this review will contain some spoilers from it. If you have read it, you have nothing to worry about.

20483018Blightborn (The Heartland Trilogy #2) by Chuck Wendig

My rating: 1437331131_Star-Full1437331131_Star-Full1437331131_Star-Full1437331131_Star-Fullhalf-star

You can find this book at Goodreads and Amazon.

I received this copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

With our heroes spread all over the world we’ve got some switching of perspective. It’s especially noticeable in the first chapters when author jumps from Gwennie to Cael and to Boyland. Continue reading “Bringing down the sky”