Stars, time travel and a mystery to solve

I didn’t expect to like this story so much. I like Star Trek shows, but I’ve never read graphic novels or books, so that was something new to me and I didn’t know what to expect. It was worth it 🙂

Starfleet AcademyStar Trek: Starfleet Academy by Mike Johnson, Ryan Parrott, Derek Charm

My rating: star-full-iconstar-full-iconstar-full-iconstar-full-iconstar-full-icon

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I received a copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This story mixes two timelines, one when Uhura, Spock, and Kirk are still at the academy – Uhura stumbles upon a strange transmission and tries to solve the mystery. Unfortunately, the academy doesn’t want this information to get out.  And the other part of the story that takes place a few years later and follows brand new recruits with T’laan being the main heroine here. These guys are still in training and on one of their missions they get into a space-time disturbance and find the source of Uhura’s signal from years ago. The thing is, for the people inside not much time had passed.

Seeing a mystery being solved after years of being buried somewhere in the documentation was a great idea, just as inviting the new characters, which are rather interesting, especially T’laan. And we got some Uhura-Spock backstory with plenty of Vulcan chemistry around ;). To be honest, I actually enjoyed this subtle exchange of feeling and the recruits missions much more than the actual mystery, but all together they made a great and entertaining read.

If you’re a Star Trek fan you should check out this novel. It has just the right feeling and would make a great episode to one of the shows.

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