The Liebster Award

Liebster AwardI’ve got nominated by Senior Reader @ What to read now. And by Valerie @ Lavender Cee.Thank you both very much 🙂 I really appreciate it.

The rules:

  1. Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you
  2. Answer the 11 questions the blogger gives you
  3. Nominate 11 bloggers that you think are deserving of the award
  4. Let the bloggers know you nominated them
  5. Give them 11 questions of your own

Questions from Senior Reader

1. Why do you blog?

Free books! Just kidding, I simply want to share my opinion about the books I’ve read with others. I do have friends who read, actually, most of them read a lot but we seem to have different reads on our shelves :). Since I have rather small chance to convince them to read the books I have I’ve decided to blog about them and spread the news. And if by doing so I can help some of the authors so be it :). Oh, and did I mention free books? 😛

2. Is it important to you that other people read your blog?

Sure, well it’s not like my life depends on it, but if no one reads what I write then why do it? I hope I’m helping some people decide whether to reach for a book I’ve reviewed or not. I know my opinion isn’t the only one out there, but that’s even better! There are so many people in this world if everyone thought the same it would be an extremely boring existence.

3. When and how often do you post?

I’m doing my best to post at least 4 times a week. Sometimes it’s more, sometimes it’s less. I do have an outline of a schedule I’d like to keep – it’s on my Review Policy page :).

4. Do you think it’s best to pay or get free hosting?

It all depends on your needs. For me, free is good enough as I don’t expect a major customization and I don’t want to worry about some details. I have my page online, it’s working just fine and I’m happy. I might switch to self-hosting at some point, but the time had not come yet.

5. What advice would you give about WordPress and other themes, and how to use them?

Experiment :). I can only talk about WordPress since I haven’t used any other blogging platform. But the most important thing is to find a platform and theme that works best for you. I like WP and I like writing my posts through Admin panel view as it allows me to write is just the way I like it, it lets me arrange the writing area just the way I need it and it gives me an easy access to all the settings.

For more information check this post: 8 tips on how to make your blog better. Yes, I learned a few things since then, but it’s still a good start.

6. What do you think of Goodreads?

I’m addicted to it :D. I love it and I find it really useful to keep track on my reads, find new ones, share opinions about the books and many other things. Only the app isn’t very good – it’s working so slooooow and I have no patience for it.

7. What three books would you take with you if you were on duty at an Antarctic research station for a long dark winter?

sherlock holmes Niewidzialna korona A Song of Ice and Fire #1-5

Well, maybe the last one is technically speaking 5 books, but I do have a 4 book set on my kindle :). And I do own a physical version of the Complete Sherlock Holmes novels. I love it! It’s not as heavy as you might think ;).

8. What other interests take up your free time?

Gaming, movies, and many other things connected with my computer. I also like to travel, I like scrapbooking, decoupage, photography, computer graphic, coloring and wondering aimlessly through the Net, searching for some useless information and images to laugh at 😀

9. Beach or mountains – which would you choose?


10. Why?

There are so many reasons why I love mountains. The views, all the attractions, walking in clouds, the people traveling the same path you are, the waterfalls and streams, the feeling when you get to the top and look around you, the freedom. I simply love mountains.

Yes, the sea also has its advantages, but it’s mostly good for lazy times on a beach and I’m not a person who can just sunbathe for hours. Even with a book, it’s simply not a thing I like. I might not be a very active person, but I like walking on mountain paths among nature, feeling the cool, fresh air around me, feeling the sun, being closer to the clouds…

I need vacations…

11. Which other blogs do you write – apart from the one nominated here?

I don’t have other blogs, I can hardly find time for this one :). Plus I don’t really know what else I could write about. Well, yes I could find few themes maybe, but I don’t really want to.

Questions from Valerie

1. Do you sing in the car?

I totally would if I had a car and could drive :P.

2. Would you rather be attacked by a bear or a lion?

o.0 I hope bears are slower, so…

3. What is your favorite drugstore foundation?

I don’t have any, pretty much, whichever is closest.

4. Do you believe in ghosts?

Sometimes. I know, you’ll ask what does “sometimes” mean. The thing is, I rather prefer to see what I believe, but I’ll let in a bit of a faith factor here, so I believe they might exist.

5. What is your favorite dessert?

There are soooo many to choose, but right now I’d love a piece of hot apple pie with vanilla ice cream on top.

Apple pie and ice cream

6. What is your greatest inspiration source?

Books :D. Quite obvious, isn’t it.

7. What is the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten?

I tend to stay away from weird food, so I’m guessing baby shrimps – the ones that look like fat, short earthworm… I don’t like these, I don’t know what people see in them.

8. What is your opinion on second chances?

I’d say – yes, give a person a second chance, sometimes it might wake them up, give the last kick they needed to go straight.

9. If you are going to decorate a house, what is your interior decor style?

Cozy, warm, but modern with a hint of old-style, like a good old cabinet in the living room, or something like that. And I do like wood, I’d love to live in a log cabin in the middle of the woods (as long as it had an Internet connection).

10. Burgers or Pizza?

Pizza all the way! There are so many types and I love most of them. And I miss Napoli and this little pizza place Ristorante Pizzeria Azzurra. They didn’t spoke English, but the place is very nice, food is great and people are amazing. If you’ll ever find yourself around, remember to step by. I sure hope I’ll get back to Napoli one day and visit them again for a piece of pizza Vesuvio :D.

11. Do you like your name?

I got used to it :P. I do tend to use a “shorter” version even though it’s actually a different name, but I get annoyed when someone calls me Magdalena. It is a pretty name, but when I was a kid and I messed up something my mom used to use my full name to call me and I simply don’t like it now :P. But Magda or even Meg is totally fine. I do hate my second name, though. And I won’t tell you what it is :D.


I was thinking about it and there’s so many of you who already got that award. If you’re the one person who hasn’t – you’re nominated! But just in case, you’ll ignore my loose nomination I’m going to point fingers to some of my latest visitors – 22 of them since I was nominated twice :P. As I said, you probably already got this award, but maybe you’d still like to answer some of my questions. Plus it’s a good way redirect few guests to your blog :D.

11 questions for nominees:

  1. Do you have plans for your next vacations already?
  2. Show us your bookshelf! Just snap a picture 🙂
  3. What TV show caught your attention lately and why?
  4. Is there a certain day of the week you like most?
  5. If you could transform one of the rooms in your house into a library, how would it look like? Or maybe you’ve already done it?
  6. Next month is passing by, how are your New Year’s challenges? Finished any of them yet?
  7. What is your latest obsession?
  8. So, you’ve won 1 mln dollars, what now?
  9. Are you a writer? Do you have a story you’d like to share with us?
  10. Do you have time to sneak a peak at your blog when you’re at work?
  11. Name your favorite book, movie and game of 2015

15 thoughts on “The Liebster Award

  1. Pingback: The Liebster Award, Version 2.0 | Nightjar's Jar of Books

  2. Anna @MyBookishDream

    I would most likely take the Complete Sherlock Holmes and A Song of Ice and Fire as well. 😀 At least I would have enough to read. Thank you for nominating me!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Ooh, sweet! I never played the actual Minecraft but went straight to Terraria :P. Awesome, awesome, awesome! :3 I played all of those as well. We played part of the Bastion soundtrack on our wedding :D. No Diablo III for you, though? 😉


        1. soundtrack from Bastion is fantastic, have you played Transistor? It’s also lovely, although I like Bastion’s story more.
          Somehow I haven’t bought Diablo III yet, I want to, but there’s always something else.
          My friends tried to make me play Terraria, but somehow I can’t get into it… It lacks one extra dimension :D. I bet my Alexandrian Lighthouse wouldn’t look even half as good there 😛

          Liked by 1 person

          1. I haven’t but the soundtrack of it somehow ended up in my wedding playlist as well 😀 and my husband wanted a Transistor sword as a wedding present ^^. We have a Croatian friend who makes wooden swords, but he was like, dude, that Transistor sword is REALLY hard to make. So I got a Zelda sword and my hubby an Adventure Time one!
            I have spent many hours in Diablo III, it’s really good, yet gets a bit repetitive when you’re just left with farming for better loot :). Haha, the 3D part of Minecraft does make things look a lot better I bet!

            Liked by 1 person

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