Welcome to my little book corner

‘Twas the night before Christmas…

Just kidding πŸ™‚ You already know that story, or at least, you should. I’m not going to retell it. In fact, I’m not going to tell you any story. I’m not a writer, and I never will be.

Why write a blog then, you might ask? For some reason writing comes easier to me than talking. You might find it strange, but I never was much of a talker. It was really a bother at school, where teachers want you to talk, talk and talk. I did quite well with facts, but when it got to “what do you think about this text” questions I was in a black hole, and usually barely managed middle grade.

Now you probably think “what a person, who can’t vocalize her opinion, can write on a book blog?”. The truth is, I’m actually quite curious myself. I want to know if I can do it. If I can find people who will want to read what I’ll write, who will present me with their opinions, share their feelings, like I’m willing to share mine.

If you’re a person like that, then maybe, just maybe you will return here. Let’s see if we can create some kind of a bond here.

See you next time πŸ™‚

2 thoughts on “Welcome to my little book corner

  1. Are you interested in reviewing a digital galley of Angels in the Shadows, by Joseph Blanche? It is a psychological thriller that will be released November 17, and quotes from your review could be included on the inner pages or back cover. I am an American author, but I want my work known worldwide. I believe you will be reviewing a number one bestseller, but hey, I wrote it, and I do love it. It was accepted by the first two publishers who read it. That tells you something. Would you like to be part of it all?


    1. Hi, I have to admit that would be first psychological thriller for me. I usually read fantasy, paranormal, etc, but that might be a nice change. I’ve read book’s blurb and it sounds interesting. And if you were accepted by two publishers it has to be good. I’m not very familiar with publishing business, but I don’t think it’s easy to get approved, so good job! If you’ll decide to give me a chance to read your book, I’ll be glad to do it πŸ™‚


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