The Creative Blogger Award

92629-thatgentmark-comI received the nomination from NYA @ Nya Reads. Thank you! You’re a darling to think of me 🙂

The Rules:

  • Thank the person who nominated you and include a link to their blog.
  • Share 5 facts about yourself.
  • Nominate some bloggers in return and notify them about their nomination.
  • Keep the rules in your post to make it easy for everyone to know what to do.

Five Facts About Myself:

  1. I like reading manga, but I do it mostly around Christmas time when I’m at home since the best access to all the manga is the Net.
  2. My favourite board game is Carcassone. I love how each time you can create a new map with it, it might be chaotic and wild or it might be concentrated and neat depending on players.
  3. I like assembling and painting plastic models of science-fiction ships and sail boats. My favorite models in my collection are Star Trek Voyager and Viper Mk2 from BSG.
  4. I like photography, but I use my camera mostly during trips as I’m too busy doing other things at home.
  5. When I was a kid my favorite toy were LEGO blocks. I still love them.

Continue reading “The Creative Blogger Award”

Vacations – what will I remember

Well hello there my dear friends!

I hope you had a nice time those last two weeks. I certainly did. I also had much less reading time than I anticipated, but I have no regrets :D.

Whether you want it or not I’m going to write a little bit about my trip, so you could maybe feel like you might want to come where I’ve been, see what I’ve seen.

Poland is a great place to visit. So many different places, various landscapes, beautiful cities.

This year I traveled where I haven’t been for ages – to our pretty, but not a very warm sea. I do prefer mountains, but as I wrote before – I wanted to get lazy and rest.

I think I don’t know how to be lazy….

Here are some photos for you. Click on any of them to open gallery and see the description. I’ll write few words bellow the gallery too.

Obviously it all started with packing, but you won’t see any pictures from that, although I have made one that shows how much place that huge book takes inside my suitcase. I hate packing. I always make at least two lists to check if I took everything and yet I always forget about some little thing. At least it’s good if it’s a not necessary item ;). This time I forgot about packing more tea… and a teaspoon. Luckily I wasn’t alone and my friend saved me :D.

After the not very long journey, we were finally able to get to our sleeping spot and choose better room of two since the rest of the party wasn’t there yet. And by better I mean the one with a terrace. That ensured us lots of visits from other rooms.

Going on vacations with a bigger group is awesome. First of all – if you want to have fun there’s plenty of you, you don’t have to look for some strangers to join you. You can also split into groups if a part of you doesn’t want to go somewhere and still have someone to accompany you. And finally – you can have this little bit time for yourself because others will be busy with each other anyway. I usually went with up to 2 people on my vacations (school camps do not count) and we usually kept together since there were so few of us. This year it was awesome. I liked it 🙂

But I’m wondering instead of telling you: Continue reading “Vacations – what will I remember”